2022 Awardee

Nanette Hausman
College Safety Champion
Founder College911.net™
Cofounder CollegeSafetyCoalition.net™
Nanette Hausman is the 2022 Pete Conrad Global Patient Safety Award winner. She embodies the character, drive, innovation, and persistence that are the dimensions of the great leadership our nation and the world needs.
Nanette is the founder of College911.net™. It’s goals are to:
- Help families prepare for potential medical emergencies and consider each school’s access to emergency care during the college selection process.
- Spark legislative change in order to mandate the reporting of critical college safety statistics and information.
- Incentivize more investment in campus infrastructure/safety programs in order to reduce campus accidents and deaths
Nanette Hausman’s youngest son Corey died just fifteen days into his freshman year of college without family by his side, 2000 miles from home from what began as a preventable campus accident. His life ended seven hours later at a local community health facility on September 11, 2018. Corey was the youngest of three brothers and a best friend to each of his siblings. Corey’s family was blindsided by this preventable loss. When Nanette learned that Corey’s was the third student death at his college in those first fifteen days, she discovered her mission.
A devoted wife and mother, Nanette found her way as a legislative novice into the world of government policy and advocacy with the sole mission of creating awareness for student safety, preparation, and accountability on college campuses. She is the catalyst behind a new college safety standard which expands the metrics used to identify and minimize injury to include accidents, the leading cause of college student death.
The efforts of the volunteer team at College911.net™ are focused on two areas.

- To develop family-focused education featuring a medical emergency checklist and 8 must knows and must dos to immediately help parents and students prepare for emergencies to achieve the best possible emergency care outcomes. Few parents or college students know they need a medical power of attorney to allow parents to participate in their care decisions or how to use their phones to notify loved ones in an emergency or know which hospitals to go to for major emergencies.
- To cause systemic change through legislation. Nanette has led initiatives including state Connecticut Public Act 21-184 and national reform Corey Safety Act H.R. 8406 to fill the fatal void in accident and death reporting needed to identify, manage and minimize college community accidents and fatalities. The current push is to gain additional bipartisan sponsorship of the house bill announced in the 117th congress and to successfully call for a senate bill to be drafted and announced this session.
Nanette encourages the public to contact their district’s U.S. House Representative and State Senators (US House Representatives by State and Senators by State) to encourage them to initiate or support legislative reform to enable colleges to prioritize all angles of student safety making campuses as safe as possible. This legislation will save lives.