Perry Bechtle, III
University of Florida
College Program Leader
Eagle Scout Mentor

Perry S. Bechtle, III is a college student at the University of Florida, an Eagle Scout and one of the leaders of the Med-Tac Certificate Course program for scouts and college students. He is a leader and co-founder of the Med Tac Eagle Network.  This program will provide the training and support for Eagle Scout candidates who will launch a Med Tac program for a school, faith-based institution, or scout organization. He is the first Med Tac Master Instructor in the country and has extensive experience in ocean rescue.  He is a 2018 Pete Conrad Global Patient Safety Award winner for his role in the development of the College Med Tac Curriculum having founded and launched the Med Tac program at the University of Florida. He is a certified instructor of the American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED Program and has completed the American College of Surgeons Stop the Bleed Instructor Program. A lifeguard and avid surfer, he is working with the team in the development of the Med Tac Lifeguard-Surf Program.  He is an aspiring student pilot and pre-medical student.  He is the President of HEROES, a Pre-Med Pre-Health Career organization at the University of Florida.  Perry launched the Med Tac College Program there. He is working with leading caregivers and law enforcement leaders in the continuous improvement of the Med Tac program. He is also assisting in the development of a Boy Scout Merit Badge focused on advanced bystander care through Med Tac.  Perry was one of the first college instructors having helped launch the program at Stanford University. He has been an instructor at the Orange County program in collaboration the OC Boy Scout Council.

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